First John Grisham and his pro-child porn watching nonsense.
Then Dear Prudence being a whiny pretentious dick about Amazon Vine reviews. Tortious interference? TORTIOUS INTERFERENCE?! No, lady, no. That term, and "ad hominem attacks" do not mean what you think they mean. She's also being classless and tacky as hell on twitter.
And now Kathleen Hale, who tries to spin her tale of stalking a reviewer to the point of showing up at her fucking house! into her being a victim of "catfishing". Again, that doesn't mean what she thinks it means. Someone she's stalking protecting herself isn't catfishing. It's amazing that its always the batshit insane ones who are the reason people need separate online identities who screech that everyone should post under their real names. Fuck. That. I don't need your crazy ass showing up at my house or calling me at my place of business because you can't deal with the fact that I didn't like your crappy book.
Come on, people. If you can't handle negative reviews find something else to do with your life. Publishing books is not for you.
ETA: If you want some really chilling reading check out these two posts, also by Hale, that details her stalking and assaulting a girl at 14 and joking about harming and killing small animals with no empathy whatsoever: