Rock Addiction (Rock Kiss) (Volume 1) - Nalini Singh Hope Ignites - Jaci Burton

'. . . They had a special connection, this was more than just sex.'


'They had something more than just sex.'


'They recognized this was something special. It wasn't just sex.'


Methinks the authors doth protest too much. First of all, saying something like that in the middle of sex kind of renders it meaningless.


Second, when everything comes back to your genitals . . . come on now.


Third, when the characters have not spent any time together that hasn't started or ended with sex, it's just not true.


The most conversation we get out of these couples is about their pasts and where their "relationship" is going. Nothing else. Nothing to indicate they're compatible in any way. Nothing to show they can talk about something that isn't sex and themselves. That they can joke and have fun (again, outside of sex). Or have intelligent discussion. SOMETHING that would tell me that there is some sort of foundation for an HEA besides really good sex.


Don't tell me they have something more than sex. SHOW. ME.

The above is just a sign of crappy writing.