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another-great-premise-ruined-by-ya (8)
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are-purchase (1)
audiobook (141)
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author-needs-a-muzzle (24)
authors-being-awesome (50)
awkward-sexytime (8)
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boredom-coma (7)
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curiosity-killed-the-cat (40)
dear-god-why-is-it-not-2013-yet (3)
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egyptology (3)
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favorites (14)
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five (5)
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for-the-very-first-time (39)
forced-on-me-by-school (41)
ftlog-stop-calling-it-her-sex (51)
fu-no-awful-cunt-comeuppance (23)
geek-love (7)
graphic-novel (36)
Great audiobook narrator (26)
hilarious (17)
historical-fiction (80)
Hobag sisters (8)
holiday (30)
horror-non-zombie (57)
hqn-carina-purchase (42)
i-hope-the-mayans-were-right (37)
incongruous-bad-or-cliche-epilogue (12)
insipid-pov-changes (19)
judging-you (54)
kindle-purchase-freebies (132)
kobo-purchase (7)
lady lit (1)
let's not time warp again (3)
lgbt (60)
like-a-virgin (34)
location-australia-new-zealand (17)
location-bayou-new-orleans-la (6)
location-chicago (3)
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location-england (42)
location-italy (1)
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location-new-york-nyc (27)
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long-term-reading (8)
lowest-common-denominator (11)
lurking-pedobear (30)
magic (19)
male-lead-i-love (37)
male-lead-who-needs-a-junk-punch (48)
married-or-formerly-married-couple (7)
me-and-ranty-mcgee (28)
missing-one-story-reward-offered (5)
murder-was-the-case (69)
my-masochism-is-not-the-sexy-kind (38)
mystery-thriller (143)
netgalley (29)
not-for-realreal-just-for-playplay (23)
not-out-yet (21)
now-now-need-this-book-right-now (11)
oh-god (22)
ok-good-sex-wheres-the-relationship (20)
okay-pov-changes (3)
other-races-do-exist (56)
owned-audiobook (2)
owned-ebook (24)
owned-physical-book (70)
pathetic-and-or-stupid-female-lead (62)
pnr (79)
possible-future-br-reads (5)
post-bar-pileup (27)
probably-wont-read (34)
profession-actor-actress-hollywood (24)
profession-athletes-sports (33)
profession-author-writer-publishing (26)
profession-chef-cook-food-industry (24)
profession-cowboy-rancher (17)
profession-criminal (5)
profession-criminal' (1)
profession-dancers (5)
profession-doctor-medical-medicine (23)
profession-firefighters (21)
profession-law-enforcement-agents (88)
profession-law-lawyers-legal (26)
profession-librarian (6)
profession-mechanic (1)
profession-military (45)
profession-music-musician (22)
profession-pi-security-bodyguard (20)
profession-teacher (3)
prominent puppy (2)
Prostitution is NAGL (3)
rapey (36)
read-multiple-times (12)
real-life (58)
recommendations-for-you (46)
revenge (16)
romance (396)
romance-or-erotica-is-the-question (18)
romantic-suspense (213)
Science Fiction (4)
secret effing baby (2)
self-published (18)
series-completed (108)
series-ongoing (175)
Sex (2)
Sex ≠ Romance (12)
Sexmance (2)
Shitty Parenting R Us (1)
shorties (78)
should-have-flounced (37)
single-parent-focus (84)
snickers-satisfies (10)
Snowbound (1)
so-are-the-days-of-our-lives (25)
speshul-snowflake (31)
stop-doling-out-info-and-tell-me (5)
stop-with-fucking-electric-touches (8)
supernatural (112)
supports-theft-dsp (10)
supports-theft-pusa (27)
supports-theft-rh (36)
supports-theft-s-and-s (8)
thats-lust-not-love-stupid (63)
the-cassie-clare-special (6)
THIS is how you romance (1)
this-is-not-a-romance (24)
three-is-company (50)
thrill-of-the-chase (19)
to-review (40)
trees-died-for-this-crap (56)
ugh-first-person (121)
ugh-young-adult (76)
we-deserve-the-apocalypse (28)
what the shift (2)
why-i-am-never-having-children (21)
why-is-it-raining-on-my-face (7)
why-we-cant-have-nice-things (24)
would-give-zero-stars (11)
wtf-is-this (73)
wtf-is-wrong-with-you-people (31)
ya-that-doesnt-make-me-violent (9)
zombies (79)
Unshelved (41)
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2015 Audiobook Challenge
Reading Challenge 2025
1337 books
following 51
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